There s life in the trees

I'm sitting down inside the shower As beads of water climb my veins The tile floor is cold beneath me The steam is fogging mirror panes I'm making mental notes of halls I've walked And pills I've yet...
should have been home hours ago but the sudden rainstorm threw my nose off course i watch the water pooling on the concrete floor the city surface scraping my bare feet has made them sore the cars are...
the smoke is filling up the room i say im sick , so we sneak outside to greet the moon i hate the feeling that ill puke; if i move one more inch i will...and i do the sidewalk is the perfect place for...
on the western edge of town the grass is coming in and all of my good friends are waiting for the heat to warm the water in their pools their sick and tired of school winters gone along with our...
conspiracy nervous pacing try and keep the sky from falling widespread panic warm Atlantic destruction is hard to adamant (doo, doo doo doo, doo, doo doo doo, doo, doo doo doo do do) air is what the...
So tell me what's the worst thing you have done the treacherous felony hid from the sun It's all thats haunted you since first you learned the truth I feel so criminal in my own skin caught in the act...
Your branches are growing strong, absorbing the praise from above But the roots that hold your weight are slowly breaking up Now you don't mind the heat, or lack of rain in the clouds But soon enough...