No hay guerra sin deseos, No hay victoria sin la sangre. Das tu alma en la batalla Si no puedes separar el mal y el bien Tu ángel te dice arrepientete Sangre, muerte, fuego! Sangre, victoria, gloria!...
Being in heaven or in hell He's going to be remembered well For the badness of his soul Damned all over the world He was just chosen for a purpose Bu he became the greatest traitor All the stories he...
Es confusión, ruido y terror Saca del hombre todo lo peor A veces a causa de abominación O por creerse un ser superior. Sangre y carroña, paisaje local Débiles presas de un lance fatal Y en un...
On the moment of truth Questions always arise Is heaven that awaits Or the darkness of hell? In the twilight of day Beyond the darkness of night Is heaven that awaits Or the down flames of hell? Life...
Mal por mal es tu manera de vivir Rencor demonio asecha tu corazón Alma enferma que no cura su dolor Deseos oscuros arden en tu interior. solo D. Ortiz Como extraño boomerang El mal te ah de regresar...
With all the circumstance, the pope can also expect public protests and harsh criticism over his role in dealing with the sex abuse scandal that has cost the church two billion dollars and great...
Hear like voices from inside you Meddling with your mind Seems they can't go away Feel struggling with yourself Like something from above But with the brand of Hell. Hey, gods of the underworld...
Bringing all the oppose in life that you expect Take the goods and prizes life has to share It's like darkness rolling all over your bones It's like death itself living through the damned Losing...
When the perpetual sacrifice Ceases, desolation will come The ultimate sacrilege on the altar of God The desolator itself will reveal, until He will be himself consume Prophecy of the seven weeks over...
De inocencia arrebatar Provoca violenta reciprocidad Mentes enfermas de la sociedad Caníbales morbos en su maldad. Pero pagaran, y hasta su sangre derramaran. Su inocencia su perdición Provoca...