We wander the fields of death... In eternity wandering our own path Which has been the quest of immortality Yet to conquer for me - but dreams shall not be torn He is spirit He is stone And he is...
From beyond come the storms Landscapes turn to ash before my pressured eyes Nothingness turns to nothingness And my imagination fades like dustclouds over This deserted land feel to now satyricon...
Langt inn i mellom høye fjell og dype daler Gjennom norske skoger og mørke hytter Bak her en drøm for over tusen år siden Til Hordaland kom pesta og bragte død og pine Hekseskogen ble plantet røtter...
In grey depressive autumn times I wander the woods to Eternity searching for Him trying to remember while the same shy still rules the night We knew then, That these were the children of god The ones...
In the mist of the shadows by the river of the fogpalace Two great spears and a flag of dominion and hate Over the chasm riders of doom And sometimes the water dares to reflect... As days pass by and...
Kampen mot Gud og hvitekrist er igang! Evig minnes vi de tapre som levde under vår hordes hammer Evig er krigen mot de av lyset, til de møter dødens ansikt, dødens kulde Vinder av kulde skal komme,...