My will is invulnerable like air with the sound of my voice the universe shrinks in a wrinkle of pain. Listen to me. I will nourish your flesh with blood dew Explore the labyrinth of memory and free...
Celebrate and praise the dead spirit Bury your hopes with him Nobody and nothing can rejoice me except the world of pretense. The god doesn't deserve my sacrifice and his image must not be...
Beautiful witch give light to this black muddy sky Snatch darkness from these hours devoid of evening and morning devoid of stars and funereal lightnings. There is a path with no light and no moon I...
Diaphanous figure who silent rides death's wisdom It's said you came when the weary sky was sinking Into its eternal sleep And that only your cry would have announced a new dawn Mistress of the air...
Primordial spells have been written on water's surface The abyss silver heart conceals the eternal prayer Fire and wind contain the timeless secrets of the knowledge Ancestral spirits of the elemental...
This is the archetype that pre-exists the man Evil is an inner voice that transcends the life's principle It is shameful and sharp, but secretly desired Don't resist the charm of evil, let fire burn...
Purple flames celebrate the new warrior's feats while dry tears take the old triumphs to a silent death The old men's corpses consumes in an obscure dust while the new secret shines in a golden aura...