The masque of mandragora

(DOCTOR WHO THEME) Excuse me, excuse me. I like to look my best on these occasions. (HORSE NEIGHING) Fools! Stop him! After him! Don't let him go. Hey, fellow! You say there was no thunderbolt?...
(DOCTOR WHO THEME) Death to Giuliano! SARAH: Doctor! Doctor! Doctor! Doctor! Doctor! (SCREAMING) Demnos will not be cheated of his pleasure, little one. Doctor! Doctor! (HIGH-PITCHED ELECTRONIC...
(DOCTOR WHO THEME) -SARAH: Where are we now? -The TARDIS. Where else? I know we're in the TARDIS, I just don't know this bit. I'll give you a guided tour someday. SARAH: What's in there? DOCTOR: Boot...
(DOCTOR WHO THEME) When I give the signal, seize him. Hieronymous! You traitor! (SCREAMING) HIERONYMOUS: So shall perish all our Earthly enemies. Surround me with a helix of powers, Brothers, and none...