Life, there is only this. All else is unreal. Yet Death has the final word in this. In this entity. So take my hand and walk with me, because to live there is only now. So this is permanence dealing...
My mind is a lost battlefield; Thinking will be the death of me. However it's result has brought me to understand, that the real war is the war within. So are we getting stronger? What we fear is...
This is my story of a dying earth. For all I can see is unhappiness -surrounding me. We have all led to this. We are in this together. Having more has only made us lesser men. Why has laziness led to...
My eyes grow heavy, My heart sinks to a lull, My mind is far from here. Take me away, Far from here where All turns to silver glass. Through a gateway in my heart
This was my hiding place, my sanctuary that I once called home -I belonged. So many times, so many concentric circles. How many times have we been here? The salty waters here brought me many tales of...
Why do I feel so alone? Even the trees here seem dead to me. Why should we deny love when it visits us? Should we not accept what we are given? The wish to be truly happy, this is what dreams may...