The destroyers of all

The primeval genesis Etched into forgotten flesh In darkness, oblivious, we exist to no avail To no avail To never unearth The insipid with their deadpan stare Long for worth in dying oceans To never...
Rejection In gasping air from vast surrounds Subjection to all that breathes it Suffocate in the idle and empty It calls for no one The beast of no will Gives rise the servants of cause They hold...
Shallow worship of the azure and the earth Not as they are or have been Betrayed and distorted Dragged through tarnished waters and purged in tongues Gouge no deeper For our hollow souls are upon us...
They fall from spoiled skies Strangled of grace And know only to mask their vile faces They know not the figure staring back at them; Not their beginning nor end They surrender in blissful fate The...
Atop the shameless tower With wings outstretched An apprehensive shadow is cast over all Drain us of our divinity And leave us dry amongst the dirt of men In the worst of our nightmares we are weak...
Sleep now, willing hosts In envy, accede to this void of life so bleak and fragile There is only silence here No resistance A silent corrosion of mind This innocence lost The tide long retreating You...
The reverence of those lost owed to the land To us it is withered and worthless To us it does not belong What of this radiance we have left behind? Creatures of abyss, born of vice We are not they...