MAC: Whose idea was this? ANDY: What idea? MAC: Meeting here. ANDY: Theirs. ANDY: Why? MAC: It looks like we're dealing dope. (RADIO STATIC) MAC: You like static? ANDY: It's tough getting FM. MAC:...
We have a meeting with an Emmy-winning writer. - I don't do dramas. - And I don't do comedy. Read it. If you like it, I'll write some more. You are running out of cash, and fast. I sank every dollar I...
Unfortunately, we are not licensed to display the full lyrics for this song at the moment. Hopefully we will be able to in the future. Until then... how about a random page?[I want to edit metadata]
How to Make a Tequila Sunrise. This classic drink has inspired a #1 song, an Oscar-nominated movie, and countless bleary-eyed encounters with the real sunrise. You will need A highball glass Some ice...