It's a blessing because the Baldwin vibe on the street is what I live for the most. I think our name is something that a lot of people get a good feeling about and brings a smile to their face, and...
Praise the Lord, but do me a favor, don't ever say 'Stephen Baldwin' and 'ministry' in the same sentence. I make movies, and in Hollywood, that's career suicide.
I believe that the family unit has fundamentally been the most positive thing for society, and I don't believe that any minority has the right to create changes that impact on the majority.
We can't allow, in my perception, our traditions, which in the Bible are really looked down upon, to stop, literally, the potential of the gospel reaching the youth of America.
I don't care what reviewers think. If somebody hates a performance of mine, I kind of get a kick out of it. It amuses me when critics take something so irrelevant as a movie so seriously.
I don't think Warren Buffett should be the treasurer or whatever. Warren Buffett's nuts! Just because he's a freaking billionaire doesn't mean he has common sense.
The reason I love Luis Palau is because this is a guy who is completely all about evangelism and reaching people and the lost with the gospel.
What is happening within Christianity is that it doesn't know it needs to promote itself.
Raised Roman Catholic up until 11 or 12, didn't stick. Went out into the world and did my own thing.
Getting movies made is not as difficult as people think. Making movies is easy. You get a script, you get a director, you raise the money, you make the movie.