It seems that the greatest difficulty is to find the end. Don't try to find it, it's there already.
Acting isn't for me. I don't like being told what to do. I'm more interested in set design, more visually driven.
We were always around my dad, so he wasn't absentee at all. I don't think it was normal, but it was exciting. You always had lots of creative people around, and my parents took us everywhere.
Everyone in my family is in the film business; I knew I wanted to be creative and it was important in my family to be artistic.
I never studied directing and I never really thought about doing it, and then I just found myself in that situation and tried it. I like to be observing everything else, and I get self-conscious in...
I wanted to make a love story without being nerdy.
I got exposed to so many different cultures and people.
A lot of young filmmakers bring their movies to my dad because he always gives lots of good editing ideas and notes. He'd be a good film professor.
I definitely have had friendships and moments with people from different backgrounds and in different stages of their lives.
That's the way I work: I try to imagine what I would like to see.