Slowly I'm falling more in love with you Slowly you're winning a heart that can be true Now I can't hide my feelings no matter what I do For slowly I'm falling more in love with you More and more I...



I think such a dream will never come back I painted my hands and my face blue Then suddenly I was ravished by the wind And I started flying in the infinite sky Flying, oh oh... Singing, ohohoho......



This way for boat hire! It's a lovely day for a boat trip. This way, lovers, for your photo. A souvenir photo, Christine? Souvenir of what? A day lost? Come on, ladies and gentlemen, take a...
Transcriber's Note: This etext was produced from Fantastic Universe August 1958. Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed. "Long may...



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From the very first time people gathered around the campfire, they’ve spun stories of young, chosen heroes taking down mighty empires, otherworldly monsters that creep in the dark, and magical...
Good morning, I’m Christian Zago. I would like to briefly introduce you this very particular wine. Some preliminary remarks: Ca’ dei Zago is a family business farm that, since 1924, lives and works...