Simon take your time dear, Don't flown away too far, I think about you all the time, I wonder where you are, I know you've led a billion lives, I've seen your new disguise He was the bird with the...
Punk rock song the bird is alive music video The bird is alive, we saved him from destruction, the bird is alive he's going to do something with his life the bird is alive, he's going...
SIMON SINEK now it's time to put your why into action discovering your Y is just the beginning in order to enjoy all the benefits of having a clearly articulated y you'll need to have...
♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps channel! I knew too much Watch this what else can she say not much mr. Gore said parrots learn words they hear So I just have to keep talking to her and I want to...
♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps channel! I knew too much Watch this what else can she say not much mr. Gore said parrots learn words they hear So I just have to keep talking to her and I want to...
The 'Black Hole' Optical Illusion of the Bird of Paradise Explained Black doesnt get much blacker than the plumage of male birds of paradise, and new research reveals why. The blackest...
♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps channel! I knew too much Watch this what else can she say not much mr. Gore said parrots learn words they hear So I just have to keep talking to her and I want to...
Cristiano Ronaldo proves he can still cut it at the top with Champions League win and celebrates by SHAVING his head REAL MADRID had anything but a close shave last night as they romped to a 4-1...
The thing with TV and filming is the timing is all faked anyway. You do it so many times, from so many different angles. You never really do it all in one go anyway, so they just fix it all in the...



When E. said: "It should be starting up now!", that all too familiar circular symbol of a rotating arrow appeared in the void before her. Then the space before her slowly lit up and...