Of the seven experiments, the ones that have been most investigated so far have been the pets. The dogs who know when their masters for coming home, and the sense of being stared at.
Bad religion is arrogant, self-righteous, dogmatic and intolerant. And so is bad science. But unlike religious fundamentalists, scientific fundamentalists do not realize that their opinions are based...
I went through the standard scientific atheist phase when I was about 14. I bought into that package deal of science equals atheism.
The simplest and cheapest of all reforms within institutional science is to switch from the passive to the active voice in writing about science.
The facts of science are real enough, and so are the techniques that scientists use, and so are the technologies based on them. But the belief system that governs conventional scientific thinking is...
I learnt about plants from my father, who was a herbalist and an amateur microscopist.
The idea is that there is a kind of memory in nature. Each kind of thing has a collective memory. So, take a squirrel living in New York now. That squirrel is being influenced by all past squirrels.
All research scientists know that writing in the passive voice is artificial; they are not disembodied observers, but people doing research.
I think that the 'laws of nature' are also prone to evolve; I think they are more like habits than laws.
Now the whole point about machines is they are designed not to be random. When you call up a word processing program on your computer, you don't want it to be different every time you call it up. You...