Rouen cathedral series

(piano music) Man" We're looking at a Jean-Francois Millet painting The Gleaners from 1857. Now this is a painting that hangs in the Musee d'Orsay. It's an oddly soft...
(lively music) Dr. Zucker: We're in SFMOMA and we're looking at a hilarious triptych. It's called Rouen Cathedral Set V and it was painted in 1969 by Roy Lichtenstein, the pop...
We're at the Musee d'Orsay and we're looking at an 1874 Monet. This is The Bridge at Argenteuil, which is a suburb of Paris, where Monet lived briefly and was accessible to...
(piano music playing) Steven: According to a friend, Monet sometimes only had 7 minutes to work on a single canvas before the light changed too much and the effect that he was looking for was gone....
The Parc Monceau, depicted by Monet, which we can see in front of our eyes now, was one of the jewels in the crown of the Paris public gardens, one of the most elite of the parks boasting ornamental...
“Live” Impressionist painting created in Rouen, France. On Saturday, June 5, some 1,250 people assembled to form a living montage called “Monet Seen from the Sky” ("Monet vu du...