My grandmother passed at 104. She sang and wrote songs until she passed.
I've got my whole life. There's a lifetime of experience, a lifetime of experiencing the road and the music and different players. It makes me a richer human being. I have a greater source of...
If I'm driving to L.A. and have anxiety about making the drive, if I've got Peggy with me, we're cool.
I was kind of known as a ballad singer. People would send ballads. Some of them would go over my shoulder and float off the top of my head, and I just didn't feel anything. Then I would hear a song...
Universal was absolutely marvelous about sitting down with me and listening to my input. It wasn't something where they chose a bunch of songs that were best sellers. They did a marvelous job on the...
I think the challenges for me was to go into the studio with these incredible jazz players and come up to their level of excellence. That's always a challenge.
I say what's in my heart, and I do it in my concerts.
Possibly, I should have been a jazz singer from the beginning.
The month of September is Women in Jazz, so I'm doing jazz there in September. I'm in for the duration.