Nothing that I've done has been conventional. I didn't go with a major label, I didn't sign up with the bigwig management that basically has everyone but doesn't have time for anyone. I didn't win...
I'm so proud to be a real woman, a size 14 woman on the cover of a magazine like 'Ralph.' Women's publications rarely put size 14 women on the cover, let alone men's, so I'm really honoured and proud...
Things don't weigh me down any more. I confront things, and I move on. I don't dwell on things; I don't let things simmer under the surface. I am where it starts and where it ends. I have the power in...
I've been all different shapes and sizes in my lifetime. I started wearing shapewear as a teenager after I did 'Australian Idol.' I had a little tummy, and I was always really quite conscious of that.
It's about enhancing your body and accentuating your good areas. Shapewear isn't the ugly, embarrassing granny undies they used to be - they really are sexy.
There are a lot of artists that come and go very quickly, and I understand why just because someone has a No. 1 doesn't necessarily mean they should be up for best male or female categories. I...
I love my body because it's what I've been given. Being too thin is just as unhealthy as being obese.
I see myself as a bit of a traveller. I am a workaholic.
I generally like to be up front and honest and open because that's how I've always been. I have nothing to hide, and I think people relate to you more when you're just yourself.
I saw my aunties and my mum give up a part of themselves and their dreams to have kids. There were things they wanted to achieve in life, but they had kids instead.