Looking back i realize the broken pieces of yesterday's life, the moments i took for granted, all that mattered adn what was real. Learning from my mistakes I'll never waste another day, all i can do...



White! Then you look away. You reach for assistance when you start to sway. Knees feel weak, as your vision fades away. When you're faced with death, that's when you start to pray. Blind! Now you can...
White! Then you look away You reach for assistance When you start to sway Knees feel weak As your vision fades away When you're faced with death That's when you start to pray Blind! Now you can see...
Things will never be the same without him, huh? No. Our people I know they don't get along that good. They'll be okay. Frankie. I know you don't like me because the commission passed you over. You...
That's great. Looks pretty good. Detail's amazing. Ready to see more? I see more. Shield failure. Okay, I'm convinced. Me, too. Freeze Program 1. Are you all right? Just a few singed nose hairs. I'm...
Previously on Awkward She's got a performance tonight - which she's now shut me out of. - That's not true. I am shutting all of you out of it. You know what's interesting? - What? - You. You were...

