Raymond chandler

When in doubt, have a man come through the door with a gun in his hand.
Television is just one more facet of that considerable segment of our society that never had any standard but the soft buck.
The moment a man begins to talk about technique that's proof that he is fresh out of ideas.
When I split an infinitive, God damn it, I split it so it will stay split.
The challenge of screenwriting is to say much in little and then take half of that little out and still preserve an effect of leisure and natural movement.
The English may not always be the best writers in the world, but they are incomparably the best dull writers.
I knew one thing: as soon as anyone said you didn't need a gun, you'd better take one along that worked.
From 30 feet away she looked like a lot of class. From 10 feet away she looked like something made up to be seen from 30 feet away.