Crumbling worlds hung over me, Waiting along there underneath. Nobody knocks upon the door, Don't even know what we're waiting for. Forever pulled from the back of beyond; I'm just another come and...
When you see a q, and it's next to a u, it sounds like "qu," as in quack-quack and quail, qu-qu-qu-quiver and qu-qu-qu-quiz. What a quality letter this letter q is! Q is for...
"I search for my mother without a clue" "I land up late at night out of the blue" "Don't look at me as a random stranger" "That...
Unctuous prattling Pecksniffs, quake quail and quiver, As the Badger Boys glide down the street, like pike in an empty river. Inhabiting the back alleys where no gentleman goes, Skulking in the...

