Estoy en el suelo siento dos perforaciones creo k toi sudando corren las palpitaciones algo en mi mano esta caliente y fluye se intuye kema la sangre a borbotone la sangre y la polvora enciende las...



1 (Penza) Clear! [Thump] Charging! Clear! [Thumps] [Steady tone] [Sighs] Okay, I'm calling it. Time of death [Gareth Dunlop's Here Comes the Night] Here comes the night ♪ when all the ghosts come...



Her name is penny garden. Age 65. Retired cocktail waitress. Been living here since the rat pack days. She may have served them drinks. Well,they must have tipped well because 20 years ago this was a...



Good evening, members of the garden club. I have been asked to reveal|some of my horticultural secrets. First and foremost,|I recommend plenty of sunshine. I think it is shameful the way some...
Previously on ER Get the gurney, Conni! She has bruising around her groin. She may have been raped. I'd be lucky to find someone like you. - You neglected your duties. - You feel that way, speak to...

