Before making this video I've walked on Mars, fighted against zombies without using drugs but with the help of Virtual Reality Virtual Reality or VR is a computer simulated reality that...
Intro Welcome to the skilled channel and today we're talking about upcoming virtual reality games. Sony has been eager to join the road to VR and get developers on board as well as publish...
Thankfully Supergirl isn’t hanging up her cape, as the DC show has been renewed for Season 2. Noiice, right? But the show is flying to another network, moving from CBS to The CW. The Hollywood...
Inside My Radio es un juego desarrollado por el estudio independiente de Seaven Studio, y se encuentra actualmente disponible en PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U y PC. Lo primero que les llamar� la...
Intro Sony is pushing their exclusives hard for the fall release of one of the most anticipated VR devices. There's a mix of 3rd party exclusives, triple A titles, and independent titles. Not...
Bonjour à tous et bienvenus dans l'actualité des Jeux à la demande de SFR. C'est ici chaque mois que nous vous présentons toute l'actualité du service. Alors...
Having a powerful console is great but without a good controller it doesn’t mean much. Both the Xbox One and PS4 have made a lot of changes to their controllers since the last generation. Unlike the...
LARA: Danke LARA: Schau dir das an. JONAH: Es ist unglaublich! Hi, hier ist Mark Brown mit Game Maker's Toolkit, einer Serie über Videospieldesign. Es ist das Jahr 1996. Du spielst Tomb...
Hey! Today we're building a Bluetooth adapter that converts any PS2 controller into a bluetooth controller. That was my favorite game growing up. Being able to play it again on a Playstation...
任天堂株式會社成立於1889年 創始人山內房治郎 創立了這間世界級的遊戲公司 但其實初創時全名叫做The Nintendo Playing Card公司 因為早期他們主要生產的是日本的一種紙牌遊戲 花札牌 但隨著銷量下滑,他們在1960年改名為任天堂 並且嘗試對商業模式進行轉型 但它並沒有如你所想的馬上開始製作電玩 在1963至1968年間,任天堂嘗試轉型為 計程車行(゚д゚) 連鎖愛情旅館Σ(°...