En esta unidad vamos a desmentir los dos mitos sobre las multinacionales Quizás tu no creas en estos mitos pero de todas maneras será útil entender porque exactamente es que estos estén mal A veces...



los aliados entonces contrabandearon a miles de cientificos nazis traidos de Alemania, y los pusieron en posiciones cientificas clave, las cuales iban entre armas biologicas, a ciencia de cohetes, y a...
back to live results passed a new law that would at basically talk on the issue they have with overcrowding in there for major penitentiaries and what they've decided to do is allowed some...
did a really interesting poll to figure out which countries are the happiest and you know they looked at all types of countries across the board okay they looked at wealthy countries countries are...
in fresno bombers their second term we were up forty six thousand esterified as an example out are read a firearm deaths is nearly twenty times higher then the other twenty-three had developed...
is very very liberal compared to the united states we have this whole brouhaha about a plan b then about free contraception for women but in france they're actually going to provide free...
do you think they comment has been part of american culture since nineteen sixty three right and it's always been marketed two little girls and i have a reason they covered by while i when i...
here is a fun paul who was on my public policy for nasa about center for stance what do you see a democrat a republican some chance he might not be either not sure santa's american but forty...