So often actors only mix with actors, which is quite incestuous, and doesn't give them the insight into how other people work.
A lot of people have it - that fantasy of being lord or lady of the manor, either in the present or at some time in history.
The character I play in Star Quality says acting is the be-all and end-all of her life. I'm not like that. I do enjoy working and I give every job my best shot but I never feel, What on Earth am I...
I'm sure that is a reason why young people occasionally bash up old people - because the ages don't mix any more.
We have this wonderful language and we don't appreciate it. That's old-fashioned me, but when I went to school, everyone had elocution lessons, not to sound posh but so you could be understood.
Young people don't want to sit at home and watch television; they'd sooner be out doing their own thing.
Older people, who just happen to have been around longer, may not be cleverer than the young, but they have seen more.
We always had chocolates and my mother was careful to make sure they were unwrapped in advance so the paper wouldn't rustle in the middle of a performance.
I think I'm a better actress for having friends and interests outside the theatre. I wouldn't want to live my life surrounded by other actors all the time.