'Twas the night before Christmas and aII through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The rats, on the other hand, is a whole different story. Hey, Said, l got a little gift for...
''Know thyself.'' That's what Socrates said. Or AristotIe, or one of them dead white men. To know yourself, that's the hardest thing any one of us can ever do. Except that l felt very guilty. That was...
Life in Oz sucks, and only a fool or a Republican will tell you different. But the punishments they got going are nowhere near as fucked up as in the olden days. For example, if a guy who drank too...
Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, Nor gIoom of night Stays these couriers from the swift CompIetion of their appointed rounds. So says the United States Postal Service in their sunshine motto adapted...
Then the Lord said: ''l have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cries because of their taskmasters. l know their suffering and have come down to deliver them out of...
l used to be a runner. Not a marathoner, a runner. Marathons are bullshit. They're all hype. Some official picks a random day, and rain or cold, you're out pounding the pavement alongside 50,000 other...
Napoleon Bonaparte. A poor ltalian boy who grew up to be the emperor of the French and almost the whole world. Well, maybe ''grew up'' is the wrong way to say it, since he was never taller than 5'2'',...
Oz. - Oz. - Oz. - Oz. - Oz. Oz. Oz. Oz. - Oz. - The name on the street for the Oswald Maximum Security Penitentiary. Only, big news: They've changed the name. lt's now called: the Oswald State...
الهَرَب يا لها من كلِمة، يا لهُ من مفهوم "يقول القاموس كلمة "هروب تَعني التحرُر، الهروب للحُرية نعم هُناكَ العديد من الطُرُق للهروبِ من سجنِ أوز يُمكنكَ حَفر طريقِكَ للهروب مَثلاً أسرِع،...
يُسمى أثَر الفراشَة تبدأُ فراشةٌ ما برفرفَةِ جناحيها في الصين، و معَ مُرور الوَقت تلكَ الحركَة البسيطة للهواء تُصبحُ إعصاراً في تيكساس في يومٍ ما لديكَ فراشة ترقُص على زَهرَة و في اليوم التالي لديكَ...