GLOBALNE SPOJRZENIE - - niewiarygodne w widocznym dla oczu (oczywistym) audycja 28 Witajcie szanowni widzowie (Igor Aleksandrowicz Głoba ) Naszym kolejnym tematem jest leczenie z użyciem ziół....
Matricaria recutita, commonly known as chamomile, is a plant of the composite family Asteraceae. It comes from Southern and Eastern Europe. Nowadays it can be found through America, Australia and...
The Spartium junceum is popularly known as Spanish broom It is a flowering bush of the family Fabaceae The root is woody and hairless The fruit is a small pod with the beans inside It is found in...
It's a tree which belongs, if we follow the APG II, to the Malvaceae sensu lato. Before, it was treated as an species from the Tiliaceae family. This family is constituted, basically, by trees...
Vitis vinifera is a plant that comes from the southwest of Asia. It was introduced into the Gaul by the Greeks and later to the rest of the Mediterranean area by the Romans. It grows in dry and rocky...
Vanilla planifolia is a species of orchids distributed in the tropical regions It is a specie typical Americas: Mexico, Central America, Puerto Rico, Madagascar. Wild orchid is a climbing stems They...
Nerium oleander is known as baladre or adelfa (in catalan or spanish) It is in the family of Apocynaceae It grows in all types of soils, from 0 to 1200m It is from the Mediterranean sea and temperate...
Rosemary is found in Europe, western Asia and in North Africa. The leaves have glands containing essential oils, giving a great smell. It is an evergreen shrub. This shrub has a height of one to two...
The wils marjoram is a grass plant with ligneous aspect It's grown in dry lands, calcareous and sunny over all Mediterranean area and Europe. We can find it in pastures and low mounts, but...