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La Mercat de la Boqueria by TravelPod member tommcatt All the Fruit and Juice by TravelPod member tommcatt Las Ramblas by TravelPod member tommcatt Nuts and goodies too! by TravelPod member tommcatt...
01 Castle. by TravelPod member icaralot 02 Concert. by TravelPod member icaralot 04 Chocolate Wall. by TravelPod member icaralot 05 Perugia, pt.1. by TravelPod member icaralot 06 Perugia, pt.2. by...
Welcome to this week's tech tips video, brought to you by the ATG Scholars. We're taking a look at Cloud Storage; a popular way to store information such as files, pictures, and...
This week’s tech tips video is over Evernote; a cloud storage-based notetaking and archival software and service combination. This program allows the user to compile data collections of text, images,...
Onofrio's Fountain by TravelPod member walnutrij Looking down at the main street by TravelPod member walnutrij This fort guards the west side of town by TravelPod member walnutrij View from...
The Xyron 3/8 Adhesive Runner is perfect for your small paper crafting project goodness, and I love the new blue color. Do you love it? I do, it’s almost, like the orange. It is, it’s beautiful, we...