Ode to irene empire of lust

Are you ready for this revolution and if you are are you ready to open your eyes and realize all the facts that you know are wrong, taunt your eyes. Are you ready?
{Music Playing} It is a dark time. The once mighty Empire of Arowyth has fractured and the feudal lords have crowned themselves kings each bent on expanding their realms and laying claim to the...
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Seen it slighty odd That the world we live in Would to have its course Rising to the top of existence Our darken brains Lust for a domination Perceive mere illusion And the reality disappears Ancient...
Padme: I love you! Anakin: [Paranoid] Liar! Your with him! You brought him here to kill me! Padme: No! Obi-Wan: Let her go Anakin! Padme: Anakin. Obi-Wan: Let..her GO! Anakin: You turned her against...
Anakin: You're with him! Anakin: You brought him here to kill me! Padme: No! Obi-Wan: Let her go Anakin! Padme: Anakin. [Padme suffering] Obi-Wan: Let.. her GO! Anakin: You've turned...
JUDGE NAPOLITANO: Does the government work for us or do we work for the government? What can history teach us about war and debt? Tonight, the decline and fall of the Roman Empire and the future of...



<i>It was the greatest empire the world has ever known.</i> Unmatched in its brutality, <i>its genius, its lust for power.</i>...
I'm here, the mist around the trees. And I'm still here, dancing through the skies of nevermore. And I can feel your heat by the ancient stone, where you rest and sleep. (Call me Lethe) And I'm lust,...