DR. JAMES GRIME: So I've got a very big number to show you today used by NatWest Bank so that you can send them your secret bank details. It starts 2 3 4 5 3 6 7 6 2 8-- [MULTIPLE CLIPS OF...
BRADY HARAN: 43 is a very special number with chicken nuggets. It's the highest number that you can't make by using the standard packs that you get from McDonald's. The packs...
DR. JAMES GRIME: So we're going to do a little mathematical trick that I'm hoping that people will like and they'll try out on their friends and family. So let's do it....
JAMES GRIME: One of the reasons we're fascinated by primes is that they are quite weird in the way they behave. On one hand, they kind of feel random. They are turning up all over the place....
ANTONIO PADILLA: Imagine you had a universe which was a googolplex meters across, OK, so a big universe. Then, that's very big. And if you actually traveled far enough in that universe, you...