Norman wisdom

I've been making people laugh for 40 years, so I know how important it is!
My father used to be away for months at a time, and he'd never leave any money for food, so my brother and I had to go out and nick it.
In fact, one was so booked out we went from March and were to go till November, but the pantomime was booked so they transferred the show to the Prince of Wales Theatre because it was so packed out,...
Most of my comedies were low on budgets - certainly by American standards.
When you're as famous as I am, stories take on a life of their own.
I've an idea for doing a Situation Comedy myself but its always difficult to get people to listen to you because they like to put their own ideas forward.
I believe in physical comedy, because that reaches out most to people.
Don't get me wrong: I'm overjoyed with my career to date. But perhaps I could have done more. Mostly, I just did whatever the directors told me to do.
I have a folder where I keep all the articles the critics have written about me. It makes me feel good.
I must admit I like to muck around a bit; I always have.