Natalie jeremijenko

We ignore slow environmental changes unless they are crisis-driven, such as hurricanes in Florida.
Experimenting with your own life is the most fundamental medium we have.
I used to have a lovely Chelsea loft - then I got divorced.
Are kids smarter than adults? All evidence points to that being true.
I watch children a great deal; their idea is that rules are always negotiable, whereas you absolutely cannot joke at the airport about your toothpaste, and you cannot rollerblade in Grand Central...
Formally, I did my studies in the sciences, but I was very conscious that I was being deprived of culture. While studying neuroscience, I was running a rock-music festival and was able to use that as...
Eating together is the most intimate form of kinship. By scripting a work where we share the same kind of food with fish, I'm scripting our interrelationship with them.
I created a successful outdoor youth festival - the Liverd festival - against all good advice. It was a great way to explore and investigate social sculptures. Having that as my kind of studio,...
There's nothing wrong with being anthropomorphic. That's how we understand the world.
The art world is a very prissy little thing over in the corner, while the major cultural forces are being determined by techno science.