Color your desires, my friend Fill your ams with stars lt's time to meet your beloved lt's time to depart, my friend with the one who loves you lt's time to meet your beloved...



''Kanha plays the flute'' ''His friends play the drums and bells'' ''And the girls dance with abandon''...
"I asked the moon if he had seen anyone as beautiful as my beloved." 'The first sex symbol of the Hindi film industry. Zeenat Aman.' 'In the 1970-80's...
"The flame burnt, and the moth came flying" "The flame burnt, and the moth came flying" "A crazy lover came to burn in the flame of love"...



Hailing from Rajmundri, Andhra Pradesh.. ...born in the 3 April 1962. Her parents named her Lalita Rani. And, the film industry made her Jaya Prada. Jaya Prada's done Hindi, Telugu, Tamil,...
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''You and me and this beautiful weather'' ''Our love has bloomed in the rains'' ''It rains, my heart sings. ....
So you are a teacher to him? For the class to run, someone has to be a teacher Someone is too smart for his own good. l always wanted to learn painting. And this is a good opportunity. No? Of course....
''Our love bond will never break, whatever the world may do'' ''I tell you my heart's feeling, my love'' ''Our...
Film maker Shakti Samanta is the one.. ..who gave many super hit films.. ..who brought a new turn in every superstar's life. He was born on 13 January 1926. He was the one of those film...