Castles are made high and mighty and oceans were made deep and wide We were made for each other that's how I feel about my love for you Up in the sky there is a rainbow that some people say has no end...
Castles were made high and mighty and oceans were made deep and wide We were made for each other that's how I feel about my love for you Up in the sky there's a rainbow that some people say has no end...
I love you, my love, I love you I love you, and my love for you is a glade hidden deep in the forest I love you, my love, I love you I love you, and my love for you is an orchard drowsy and warm I...
My Love For You My love for you Is like a angel flying true the skye Like a bird in the wintering Your love for me Is so deep, and sorta like a black rose cracking the ceament My love for you Lives on...

