Hello 大家好,我是 Ray Ma 今次評測同樣以自拍開始,不過直接使用 S7 Edge 拍攝 大家可以參考一下畫面及收音效果 收音不錯,不過低光源拍攝更厲害,再次先賣關子 想知道效果如何,就要看相機部分 一年一度新旗艦,當然要分享一下開箱的喜悅 面前的包裹就是直接向 Samsung 預訂的零售包裝 代表 S7 Edge 會是我未來會長期使用的手機,亦代是我自己的手機 所以大家就可以無需猶疑,...
Oh, it must be your new DSLR ! Show me ! Exactly, ok, it's bit heavy, be careful. Wow, it's really heavy ! Is this a full manual camera ? No Auto Focus mode ? it's totally...
Hello everyone ! I came to Osaka Castle Park to shoot plum blossom today. It's not full blossom yet, but I wanted to avoid crowd of people. Let's start with 60mm micro lens. (WB is on...
$31 Smartwatch That Makes Calls! Hey, what's good guys? Keaton here. So you guys always know I'm down to try some tech that doesn't look as promising as some others, and I...
Hallo Leute, Lew hier mit einem neuen Video und heute... teste ich ein weiteres... absurdes Produkt. Ich habe schon öfter Tastaturen hier vorgestellt. Diese hier liegt schon länger in unserem Büro....
Never Charge These Wireless Headphones! Best Wireless Bluetooth Headphones Ever! Weird Bluetooth Wireless Headphones! Hey guys, Keaton here. So I found the coolest pair of headphones that you never...
Today, we are going the find a West Virgina Tim geocache, that has never been on YouTube before. That's coming up next. Yeeeeeeeah! *music* Hey guys, it is Joshua The Geocaching Vlogger....
Hola, bienvenidos a este tutorial sobre como hacer un mini parapente radio control. para realizar el parapente con el que vamos a trabajar en este video es necesario que veáis el tutorial mini...
STILTE RUSTIGE MUZIEK VOICE-OVER: Dieren kunnen bacteriën... ...virussen en parasieten met zich meedragen. Sommige van deze micro-organismen... ...kunnen van dieren overgaan naar mensen en ziekten...
(Ander pero no esperes) No espero qué? (no tengas tanta ilusión) Vale vale... (no hay nada jejejej) si yo pensaba que sólo era una carta... (Sí es una carta!) Una carta y todo esto? , para una carta?...