我们无法逃避自己的美学风格 因为它像口音一样,是无法摆脱的 尽管我一直以来 都在尝试去避开它,找出新的方式 但最后都总会浮现出来 所以我已经学会欣赏...... 我自己的声音 [与MATT PYKE见面] 我是Matt Pyke 我是Universal Everything的创办人和创意总监 [MATT PYKE, UNIVERSAL EVERYTHING] 这里基本上...... 是我花最多时间...
O feathers destined Not to tree meadow or combat, or to the atrocious ground or sweatshop, but to the conquest of a transparent fruit! I celebrate the sky dance of gulls and petrels attired in snow I...
JACOB SOBOROFF: Hey, it's Jacob. Today we are falling through space, and wetting our pants. CHET: We have to bury the body. JACOB SOBOROFF: Today we're hanging with a very, very...
Those worlds in space are as countless as all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the Earth. Each of those worlds is as real as ours in every one of them, there is a succession of incidents...