It's very easy to make insects move. Because they do move mechanically without the rippling of flesh as you mentioned. They move more like real tinker toys and you can make models of them quite...
They just have a feel about them. And you feel your way through them and you come out with something that's very powerful and mythic. And you don't quite know how you got there. I think this story has...
Working with Woody Allen is like filming Howard Hughes's will. It's a very mysterious and strange event. You never get a peek at the whole will.
Insects are my secret fear. That's what terrifies me more than anything - insects.
Once you put yourself in the hands of the government, you could end up in Utah.
Anyway, the title The War of the Insect Gods came before we had that ending, before we knew they had become gods. That we knew the evolutionary cycle they went through. Before we even knew anything...
It's an end of the world I guess. I guess you'd currently call it disaster movie. But really they weren't disaster movies. They were more end of the world movies. This is more an end of the world...
A Madagascar Hissing Roach chasing Jerry Lewis. That would be a really neat treat.
Television doesn't want to admit it has those dreadful roach ads on anyway.
The transformation scene, where man is becoming insect and insect has become at least man and beyond that - a flying, godlike, shimmering, diaphanous, beautiful creature.