Y que lo que sube que Roy Tavare que Roy Tavare que Esa negra Tiene candela Esa negra Esa negra Esa negra tiene candela Esa negra Esa negra Esa negra tiene candela Esa negra Esa negra Esa negra tiene...



Divorce I'm not OK with Oscar... I don't know, it's not the same. Adrià isn't OK. But we've been together a long while... But, I don't know, something...



I remember black skies The lightning all around me I remembered each flash As time began to blur Like a startling sign That fate had finally found me And your voice was all I heard That I get what I...
Baby, does he do it for you. When he's finished, does he step back, and adore you I just gotta know, cause your time is money. And I won't let him waste it, oh no, no Baby, just go...
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[SOUND]. Hello again, Pacific Northwest History students. This is your instructor, Susan Vedder, and this is a brief introduction to how to find our free online textbook. Here I am in the textbook...
hello guys, my name is Caraline and I want to present you a product that's called The Magic of Making Up Basically this product is kind of change my life I had problem with my boyfriend, with...
ANYTHING YOU WANT Nacho Martínez Sánchez. My name's María José Golmayo Pérez. I'm a security guard at a supermarket. I'm a housewife. Marcos. Marcos. Third year primary,...
Hello guys, welcome. Now on this channel, Write about magic. I will be mainly focusing on fantasy writing. I will also do some fiction writing, but mainly fantasy. I will not do a lot on romance...