I am awake, a lonely dreamer I think of your face Cause you take me with you, And i drift away I can not escape You lift me up My eyes to Forever I'll see you.......awake And I'll sing la da da dum La...
Passin’ through the night by the thin light of the match I’ve striked For how many times have I been repeating all of this? I can’t simply abandon this city, nor these streets, nor the memories of...
Take me where i was when i first met you Lost myself today like i used to do Baby stop the car drop me off Along the way i’ll find my way Home under the bridge with my illegal friend Angels by my...
Oh why do you look upset? The sky turns yellow If only you will smile at me again The world will turn blue again Somewhere, a red alarm goes off I stand still and look around Then your mint color...
Top 10 Autumn In New York Photos That Will Make You Wish You Were There It’s that time of the year when the city that never sleeps is covered with the colors of fall – red, brown, orange, yellow, and...
Will You Be There, or as I knew it at the time "The Free Willy Song" was my first favorite song. Whereas with songs like Yellow Submarine, and others that I loved as a kid, slowly...
My Style Influencer has the pleasure to interview the French band Yellow Radio, with Jon the singer and Valery the bassist. They just finished their first album called "Rolling the...
On Christmas Day, 2008, a boy discovered what would soon mean the world to him. However, three years later, on the 1st of October, something happened that night that changed things from better to...
I can see a man Walk away and hold his head He won't turn around And there is her mom Lookin' desperate and sad And night is slowly fallin' down In a corner of my mind I can feel the time rewind A...
Converted with sub-converter.hostei.com - ass to srt converter online! Such a serene afternoon that my heart recalls memories of a distant land Such a peaceful Hanoi - land of the love songs A Saigon...

