Matador He sleeps Alone He can't see right from wrong Matador He thinks He's strong He thinks He's number one He killed the bull He killed the bull Matador He sees the crowd Their cheerings Make him...



Take me to the Matador He will know just what it's for He will help me with my life He will open ev'ry door When the bull is in the ring I need all the help you can And the Mariachis sing With the...



was fur ein fest take the red carnation carina place it in your hair run to the arena give it to your matador matador.... was fur ein fest spectacular - and in the avenidas they celebrate the game...



Ele não gosta de café sem açúcar, nem comida sem sal E por isso a sua esposa se deu mal Vacilou no fogão, não tem perdão Acabou estrangulada e pendurada no varal... Ele não gosta de homem, nem de...