Mary-Louise Parker

- I think that people have an idea that there is one kind of mind, one kind of mentality that is attracted to the military and that’s not necessarily true. It can be true. I do understand it and...
My favorite scene in all of movies is Gregory Peck in 'To Kill A Mockingbird': You see him where he's on the porch, and his face is almost completely obscured. I don't want to see his face.
I don't really ever think about whether or not I like the characters I'm playing. I'm more into the minutiae of their behaviour or what they're doing in a certain scene.
My sister's fish tacos are out of control. I'd give her a restaurant if I were a gazillionaire.
Look, I don't care if anyone likes me when it comes to my work. But I can be massively insecure in other parts of my life.
I'm not comfortable with getting a job by being at the right Hollywood party; I'm not a terribly sociable creature.
I do love my avocados, which are great for the skin. I eat pretty healthfully.
In college, my teachers were usually after me for going after comedy too much, leaning too much in that direction.
I never know why people come up to me. I think a lot of them just get super-excited because they recognize me from TV but they don't remember where.