Marian seldes

I'm not a good tourist. I don't like walking around and looking at things. I like being in a city and working and finding out how other people live.
If I had a religious belief, I would want it to be as strong as my belief in the theater.
Theatre is where I am confident and happy.
How do people who live utterly alone survive? There are so many things that won't open. I've got a few dresses in New York, and I can somehow get them on, but I can't get them off.
Confidence has nothing to do with what you look like. If you obsess over that, you'll end up being disappointed in yourself all the time. Instead, high self-esteem comes from how you feel in any...
Unfortunately, there are mental invalids of every age who exist on other people's terms. It's lazy for older persons to let others make up their minds for them. People have to overcome that.
I've been, for want of a better phrase, a supporting actress so much of my life.
People say, 'How can you stay in a play for a long time?' I say, 'The audience is never the same.'
The kind of acting I love is when you watch and you discover what you think perhaps you weren't supposed to see: the chink in the armor.