[Mock Foreign Accent] Hello. I am Andy... and I would like to thank you for coming to my movie. I wish it was better, you know, but... it is so stupid. It's terrible. I-I do not even like it. All of...
Man in not a touch with the regular My brain waves on the same page as a cellulars I see in hi-D resolution a five g Revolution with plans and solutions Check the stations, same conversations Thats...



Every doctor has a dirty little secret... We're all competitive science nerds. In grade school... we made the biggest and best volcanoes, Which erupted actual fake molten laval. In junior high, we...
Unfortunately, we are not licensed to display the full lyrics for this song at the moment. Hopefully we will be able to in the future. Until then... how about a random page?[]
Do you realize That I still breath I still fight with the memories And does it cross your mind That I may hurt The scars still remain cut by your word No matter where I go No matter what I do To you...



Man, it's been a long time Since you walked into this night ' never easy Straying down a thin line Relying on your eyes ' never wrong You have chained yourself ' To the game of fame But you never were...