My father was a great example of a strong and good man and Christian man, and my mother taught all my six sisters how to be young ladies and mothers and how to take care of your family. And so I think...
I want to be here for a long time, so I am going to do everything I have to do to be here. And I want to walk my daughter down the aisle and give her away to somebody some day. I want to make sure I...
My dad was my hero. And I got my personality from my mother.
Sometimes friends move apart from each other for whatever reason.
Athletes don't like to get up early, but it never bothered me.
The first year was hard for me to deal with. The second year was a little bit easier, but still difficult. It took me five years to get it out of me. It was a difficult moment, a difficult time.
I grew up a Detroit Tigers fan, and now to be an owner of the Dodgers is amazing.
The audience likes their emotions to be touched. They want to laugh and cry and feel good.
I do not have bad days. I don't wake up in the morning and think that I'm going to get AIDS. I don't dream bad dreams about it. If I did, I'd be giving in to the negativity.