The only believe in his empty brain Is to satisfy his morbid lust In a fuckin' world of death and pain He learned what love-services cost Years and years stepping through the plains That's the reason...
Si eres una de esas personas a las que le encanta lograr sus metas, posiblemente conoces de los Objetivos S.M.A.R.T. Esos objetivos que básicamente dicen que tus metas o las cosas que tú te plantees,...
Hi guys my name is Nevin. Uni has begun and all the stress has begun. I am sure everyone of us has specific goals they want to achieve for this semester. Unfortunately, like every year most of us fail...
l.a.o.t [elle a ôté] le "i" du verbe aimer quand je me couche j'ai dans la bouche du mare de café l.a.o.t [elle a ôté] le "i" du verbe aimer depuis je suis...



l.a.o.t [elle a ôté] le "i" du verbe aimer quand je me couche j'ai dans la bouche du mare de café l.a.o.t [elle a ôté] le "i" du verbe aimer depuis je suis...



With BRINK we are just trying to make a game which allows easy movement. It's not about moving or shooting, it's moving and shooting. What we are doing in BRINK is frankly a fairly new...
I'm a straight shooter, and most of the time my ego doesn't interrupt my relationships.



JIM VAIS: I started my first concept shops approximately seven years ago in Berwick. I turned a traditional shop into a S.M.A.R.T concept shop and now we’ve got 25 sites nationally around Australia....
Today, I'm a candidate for the office of president of the United States of America. My kids can't believe I just said that.
I'm A Celebrity 2017: Is THIS the winner? You won't believe who comes out on top I'M A CELEBRITY… GET ME OUT OF HERE! Has only just begun, but now talk has turned to who will...