Love is blind Love is only sorrow Love is no tomorrow Since you went away Love is blind How well I remember In the heat of summer pleasure Winter fades How long will it take Before I can't remember...
I tried to give you love That was ever flowing I tried to give a love That could be so true But you wanted less Than I had to offer What was I to do I tried to bare a soul That would swear devotion I...
1 Telling you, Will, you got a real winner here. She's just gonna love it. Stacy, box her up. Oh. Just the box. I'm sure it's prettier than the paper. One tiny rock. So many other cool things I...
(eerie music playing) (Theme from ( The Twilight Zoneplaying) (heartbeat) (frantic panting) (frantic panting) AS CERTAIN AS DEATH AND TAXES, WE ARE TOLD THE MEEK WILL DEFINITELY INHERIT THE EARTH....
DAVE: Come on. Good. Again. Dad, my legs are starting to cramp up, okay? Maybe it's just enough for one day. Come on, Mike, this isn't the pee-wee basketball league where your mama brings a snack...
(Fontella Bass' "Rescue Me" playing) Rescue me CHUCK: There are some things in the world of sport that mere words can't really describe. I want your tender charms, 'cause I'm lonely The...
- Everything is just beautiful, Samantha. - Thank you, Gertrude. If I look a little green, it's pure envy. I break out whenever I see a friend happily married. Your turn will come. - I know, but when?...
- Hey, Donna. - Oh, hey. You look stressed. Work is a disaster. - Hey. - Hi. - What's wrong? - Well, I'm swamped, thanks to you. I'll get you some coffee, okay? Oh, thanks, to go please. Well,...
Oh... sugar When ya gonna come? I spend my life gettin older But you still got me on the run When ya gonna come? Oh. . sweetness When will you mine? I spend my days getting' colder But I still want...