Legen wait for it dary

God bless. [ Sighs ] Well, what are your plans? Plans? - The child in the bedroom. - Oh, Lucy. I met her on the plane. Yeah. She's a religious freak. I gave her a cap before I realized- Jesus,...
"Today kids, I'll tell you an amazing story about how I met you mother" -Are we punished? "I was 27" "All my free time I spent with my best friend...
Hello I am ShockPuppetz and welcome to my channel. I make all sorts of gaming videos with a focus on in depth strategy and entertaining commentary. I love strategy and building games such as Tropico...
I am a seriesjunkee, oh ye-es check every episode out, of course. I am a seriesjunkee, oh ye-es when will the newest season be finally out? Got a pizza for meal, but the episode suddenly turns into a...
TED: Kids, there's more than one story of how I met your mother. You know the short version, the thing with your mom's yellow umbrella. But there's a bigger story. The story of...
hnhhha oh my god barney it was awful i was teaching shhh ted has not a good time where you keep your condoms what you're gonna do to me Barney you're home i kissed me a lot Robin here we go love of...