Hey guys, Jarrod here and today we’re going to check out the 14” P640RE laptop from Metabox, so don’t go anywhere! Inside the box we have the laptop itself which is protected by some foam, there’s...
Hi, I'm Mollie from the Windows Blog. We're here at the Xbox event in San Francisco where the Xbox team just showed off a number of great titles coming to Windows 10. Titles like,...
We are here to introduce you to Deaf Services Queensland's new website and you can access through laptops, computers, phones and tablets. You can access through all that! Yeah, we will guide...
Was geht Leute, Lew hier, zurück mit einem neuen Video Wie ihr bestimmt merkt, ist das heutige Video etwas spezieller. Ich bin nicht in meinem normalen Studio. Das ist weil ich mich in Paris befinde....
Das Allerwichtigste ist, dass es Regelungen gibt. Regelungen, die vereinbart werden, die kommuniziert werden und die dann Mitarbeiter und Führungskräfte kennen. Es gibt nichts Schlimmeres, als wenn...
So Carl, one thing I wanted to ask you was, if I'm a solo entrepreneur, how would I go about finding an engineer to help me work on these projects? >> Finding an engineer can...
Woah? Woah! What's up, guys? Lew here, back with another video, and today we are checking out something that I have been very excited for but unfortunately it's been sitting here in...
Hello everyone and welcome to another video.Today we are going to talk about 6 things that you need to consider when buying a gaming laptop. First of all you guys need to know that gaming laptops will...
[Open music] >> Jeff Bond: Hello and welcome to another episode of PATINS TV. I am your host Jeff Bond and this is Episode 57. Today I have one of our site coordinators, Sandi Mahl. She...
Do you own a laptop or notebook computer? To protect it from scratches and accelerated damage, one of the best accessories to use is a well-made laptop sleeve. Even though light and cheap, they are...