Kulanu k'echad, All of us as one Come glorify Yeshua, come magnify the Lamb of God O Come glorify Yeshua, let all who are thirsty come! We've come together as One We've come together in the name of...
There is just as much evil in all of us as there is good. We're all continuously guilty, even if we're not doing it intentionally to be evil. Here we are sitting in luxury hotels, living it up on the...
I think all of us as women have this super-human quality. We create life, we give life, we are the sources of life for our children - we're all pretty bionic.
I think that all of us, as Americans, are due due process and have a right to a fair trial, and have a right to be considered innocent until proven guilty. I think that is the American way and it's...



Change happens from the bottom up - all of us as individuals deciding that we will and we do have an impact.



It is well known that during the first Passover the Israelites dared not leave the threshold of their homes lest the destroyer remove their lives. Within the home where the Passover meal was taking...
Meet Ray. Ray lives on a farm. He loves playing kick-ball with his grandkids, but lately he's gotten a little slower, and been visiting the doctor a lot more often. This is Kim. Kim lives in...
So I will get friends and other people emailing to me saying, you know like, "Why are you doing this All of Us Research Program? " "Why are you spending tax payer dollars to...
We've had the great opportunity to learn from some giants in the large cohort research programs which is kind of what the All of Us Research Program is as well, but I'm hoping that...