Krist novoselic

But my role is to just apply the skills I've learned over the years: you listen to the guitar, you listen to the vocal melodies, you listen to the rhythm, and you come up with something that helps you...
The only way you do anything is to become really active. And the most effective way to get your message to your elected representatives is to make campaign contributions and develop relationships with...
Theodore Roethke was a poet I was raised with so he has a lot of sentimental value for me.
Sunshine Cake is just a fun hobby thing. That's about it.
I kind of discovered my voice for the first time, and the more I did it, the better it got.
This band is a real collaboration, and I'm greatful to anybody who can appreciate our music. It doesn't have to be a certain kind of fan or person or anything. I think there's a little bit of...
Our idea is simply to play the songs and to emphasize our musicianship.
But this is pretty new for me, both songwriting and singing.