I wonder if we could forget all that we have been talking about... ...during the last five gatherings here... ...and begin as though we are meeting for the first time. And not having heard what has...
Krishnamurti in Dialogue with Dr. Allan W. Anderson J. Krishnamurti was born in South India and educated in England. For the past 40 years he has been speaking in the United States, Europe, India,...
¿Podemos seguir con lo que hablamos el domingo? Decíamos que los seres humanos han evolucionado... ...durante millones de años. La evolución implica tiempo, no sólo tiempo físico sino psicológico,...
(Applause) I really don't know why you're clapping. Have you ever tried clapping with one hand? Please do that now, from today. This is not a lecture on any particular subject......