There's still a massive inequality between the genders. If you look at the trajectory of a male actor's career, there's no hesitation or hiatus. But women after the age of 35 to 40 are rarely placed...
In our own, theatre can be the place where we come together, reaching with and through stories, to who we are and to who we can be.
It is intensely frustrating. The longer you live, the more interesting life gets, and yet many of the parts involve carrying trays and putting lamb chops down in front of the leading man.
I'd rather be useful than rich. It's more essential to feel you're doing something that's worth doing, rather than making a lot of money.
In the garden of our house, when I was three. My brothers and I had a jumping wall. I remember it as enormously high, but it was probably only about a foot and a half.
Sometimes I think it'd be fun to do a completely different job for a while. You've got one life and you do the same job for the whole of it, and you think - was that a good use of a life?
I'm hardly Hollywood material - they're interested in youth and perfection and I lay no claims to either. It's not a place that's particularly interested in talent.
I wouldn't even begin to presume that the talent of an able actor is anything like the talents of a prodigious musician.
Cruelty to children is the thing I can least bear in the world.